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1. [Bookplate for Carleton Place High School] [Bookplate for Carleton Place High School] A border of small round stylized flowers surrounds the bookplate text. The first line is written in a font with a small dot in the letters 'C', 'O', and 'P'. The second line is written in a more ornate font. Under this line there is a small stylized flower similar to the ones that comprise the border. Under this is the typed word 'No.' with a line that is filled in by hand with a number.

2. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In black ink on blue or gray paper, the bookplate features a decorative border with ornate corners surrounding black text.

3. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate features a decorative pattern inside an ornate border, with blank space left in the pattern for black text.

4. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] In black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate features a decorative triple border surrounding black text. A decorative rule separates the name of the institution and the city. There is a black smudge in the lower third of the bookplate.

5. [Bookplate for Claude Lamont Wheeler] [Bookplate for Claude Lamont Wheeler] Printed in black ink on greenish gray paper, the bookplate consists of a two line border surrounding the name of the owner. In the lower left corner appears the word 'No.' followed by a dotted line for the addition of a hand-written number. The number '33' has been written in ink.
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